Thursday, March 31, 2005
GORE.9:26 PM
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
thoughts haunting me...huh...
toppyoushimonai ka...snap out of it Hide...fuck it...
here comes...having friends is one thing...but thinking about losing
ONLY one of them is already a heartache...look at
Le Famille Psychodelique...
shuzoku ka...along with
Obscure Phionix...we are noisy, hyped and we are unable to sit still...if one of us should go overseas or something...and never come back...i bet the rest would be sitting quietly thinking about him/her...nothing else...or maybe having a laugh at the good times we had...damn...can never live without even one of them missing...seriously...i've grown so close to them that i'd rather be stuck with them even after ite...fuck it...i hope that won't happen...
also, something latiff told me after the speech day rehearsal...some band played
A7X's songs...
teme no baka! korosu! the songs
Obscure Phionix touched and finally become in sync with for a time with Deng of course...excluding him...the rest of us...done it for like already...4 months? that's a long time...and to think they fucking played it...shit...why...why
A7X? they're in the top 5 on my music list! i listen to their songs everyday...damn it! fuck! fuck! fuck! grr...relax Hide...Obscure will perform it soon...i really hope we will...
so many shit happening in one fucked up day...don't ask why i don't have the mood today cause it comes and goes...usually my mood indicates that something
bad or even
horrible is going to happen...and it
there it goes...another entry by Hide and another
fucked up shit happening it my life...*sarcastically* haha...ass...fuck it i'm going...
ja ne...
GORE.9:50 PM
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
.::New Layout::.
there...a new layout for my blog...just...added a divider for that extra spot for my favourite art pieces...yeah...well...nothing major...thanks to
Khair...i got some more things done on my blog...just waiting for his blogsite to open...then i could see the crap he's posting...haha...well...nothing much going on so no more fucking crap coming out of my mouth...or in this more typing crap no more...
GORE.8:06 PM
Sunday, March 27, 2005
.::Sunday Blues::.
damn it...what i'm not happy about today is that i didn't get to catch "Gods of Metal II" least i did some good while at home...seriously...i was helping to make blogs...haha...yeah...i did my cuz Latiff's and my godsis Iemah's blog...they're on my link...feel great that i get to help them make their blog...well...more blogsites to visit for me...later maybe going out to have pizza...well...damn...i can't help but think about "God of Metal II" i'm looking forward to Obscure's next jamming...
GORE.4:47 PM
Friday, March 25, 2005
.::Forever Obscure::.
here it is again...the was feels like we're performing instead of jamming...haha...there were like...
eight people looking through that small window...damn...haha...and i bet i saw
Siti of
Munchies At 9...that super gore piercing screamer...well...i know they don't know me but i sure know them...haha...i have my sources so don't ask...last time i saw Munchies performing was during the Musicnation 2005...along with
Ronin...which Aproman, Sha, Deng and i saw tonight at the Esplanade...ok, i have to apologise to the person i said i'm not going to the Esplanade today but...jamming ended at 6...ate for a while until 6.30 or something...took bus to which...we were kind of...the weird ones and the noisy ones in the bus all the way to Esplanade...that is like...20-30 minutes ride...? haha...right...on to the Esplanade...saw
Ronin...listened to like...4 songs by them and "sayonara" we go...haha...cause we were kind of late...i wanted to get home before my thinking...i was thinking...erm..."the night is still young"...and i want to see the night more...don't ask cause i'm always hyper at night...starting from 6 in the evening onwards...unless there's jamming then i usually get hyped hours before jamming...ok...i have to stop my fucking crap now...i don't think anyone is reading this shit i typed in's some shots of today...some of them might be lame...
Me: Hide
Obscure's Drummer: Evil Man
My cousin and frontwoman of Obscure:Sha
Four of Obscure in the bus...Hey, Hide...What're you looking at...?

soooooo there...
GORE.11:28 PM
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
i've got so many many things to do...this is just going in all directions...also...i pissed someone off today...wonder if she would forgive me...hey...there's some graphics i edited...kinda...awkward...
Demon Possessed...
yeah...i was this came to mind...
GORE.7:26 PM
Monday, March 21, 2005
.::The Start Of Something New::.
yes, yes...i know...well, my friends...Obscure Phionix is possibly going to launch an ep...yeah, yeah...i know i've said it for so long but...there were problems...also i'm helping my friend start anew in his music that too...
oh, and also Obscure Phionix's web is online! but nothing fancy as usual...just...simple stuff so that everyone will enjoy it...yeah...oh, it's on my links by the you all later...
oh, Le Famille Psychodelique and my fellow Doverites: HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY...
GORE.8:11 PM
Friday, March 18, 2005
.::Happiness In Endless Hate::.
first thing's first...jamming...jammed at yishun's lee kwong seng...we were all pissed at something and, as usual, when we get there we let our anger out in the music...and played great...we jammed our asses off...everything went fine...everything was great at the end...our troubles seem to fade away...
second of my good friends...he knows i'm sarcastic...he knows i'm i called his friend a mat...and now he takes it seriously? what the fuck...he knows when i say something...bad...about friends i'm usually he wants to take this seriously? what? after 6 years of talking shit!? fuck it...i'll settle this...hopefully no one's going back with a broken nose this coming tuesday...
GORE.10:09 PM
Thursday, March 17, 2005
.::Looking Back::.
the past...yeah...and i'm talking about one thing that flows through my veins...listened back to Iron Maiden...i've been repeating "The Number of the Beast" track over and's know...? the unholy number six-hundred-and-sixty-six...this part of the lyrics captivated me somehow...
i'm coming back, i will return,and i'll possess your body and i'll make you burn.i have the fire, i have the force, i have the power to make my evil take it's course.yeah...i'm the's all i can think of nowadays...don't ask why...the music...alternative and metal...that's me...i'm possessed by the beast...those of you who seen it know what i which six-hundred-and-sixty-six is my number...the owner of the beast...the holder of the beast...
i realised i was brought up with metal music...with bands like Iron Maiden and Helloween...damn...should have realised that metal was my roots...instead of i do...i have more respect for it...and i salute all my favourite alternative and metal gods...
Avenged Sevenfold! X-Japan! Dir En Grey! Luna Sea! Iron Maiden! Helloween! Arch Enemy! Slayer! Atreyu! DevilDriver! Slipknot! Fear Factory! Cradle Of Filth! Amon Amarth!
music is my life...if anyone takes it away...i'm lost...i just wither away... the music holds my sanity although it brings me to immeasurable hype...immeasurable highness...the importance of's my spirit...
Obscure Phionix...Amethyst...i hope to acheive great heights with you guys...Aproman, Sha, Evil Man, Deng...i have all the confidence in us that we can make it...Khair, guys are my brothers...i have faith in both of addition with the brothers and sisters of Le Famille Psychodelique...i love you all...
as i lay there gazing at the sky,my body's numb and my throat is dry.and as i lay forgotten and alone,without a tear i draw my parting groan.six-hundred-and-sixty-six.
GORE.8:43 PM
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
.::Amethyst::.'s the thing...jammed with Amethyst for the first time...haha...yes...Amethyst is a Black Metal/Heavy Metal band...imagine this thing...Amethyst playing Greenday songs...what? "When I Come Around" and "Basket Case"'s just training...Shaz was practicing his double pad...Khair practiced "We Will Rise"...and Man don't know the words to the songs so we played what we know...PUNK MUSIC!! hahahahaha...ok...maybe when we go perform at a black metal gig, Amethyst will be the only one who's playing PUNK MUSIC!! ok this is getting lame...i'm outta here...
GORE.11:54 PM
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
ARRRGGGGHHHHHHH!! more thing: obscure phionix's web is brought back down...some...minor problems...
GORE.9:01 PM
Sunday, March 13, 2005
.::Gods Of Metal I::.
went to the "Gods of Metal I" was fucking great...excuse my was awesome...i'd rate it a 8 and a half out of 10...awesome is as awesome's the list of bands i enjoyed: Scaphoids, Embattled, Jana Cova, Dead Eternity and's like out of this world...hold on...i'm still having a headache from the banging and the drumming and the's a great day...all in all...this is one gig i'll remember...i'm going to "Gods of Metal II" on the 27th!! anyone interested...e-mail me, call me, message me, whatever!!
GORE.9:33 PM
Saturday, March 12, 2005
.::Bored To Death::.
again...i'm to death!!
never have i experienced a boring day like this...even when i went out to peninsula today...see lots of people...blahblah...but no excitement...bored...i need something exciting, damn it! least going to the Gods of Metal gig tomorrow...going to be cool no doubt...and i think i shall see people i know...lots of them...haha!
anyways, Obscure Phionix's web is up...check it at the inner circle...but nothing special though...just simple stuff...
GORE.10:29 PM
Friday, March 11, 2005
.::You Guys Made My Day::.
firstly...the people who make my day at school...
Le Famille's a picture of them...
Le Famille Psychodelique...thanks for making me a part you guys...don't ask where this photo was taken...
Obscure Phionix...! the people that usually make my day almost was fun and always great...we had a guest today...i guess i won't say who...and trained two new's the new line up...
Obscure Phionix: the new line up...
Obscure Phionix...again...i'd say guys make my
GORE.11:33 PM
Thursday, March 10, 2005
.::Here's What They Say::.
something jj said totally made me think...this is what jj said:
"you look happier..."i just stopped...come to think of it...i am happier...i am having more fun...and i am enjoying myself in school...especially in addition to jamming with Obscure Phionix and Click...and, of course, watching gigs...this semester is a thrill for me...seeing how good school life can be with Le Famille Psychodelique...especially with Le Famille Psychodelique...thanks've made my life...
GORE.6:41 PM
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
.::Someone's Standing On My Chest::.
today...stress took me breathing slowed's standing on my chest...maybe cause it's just not my day...all in all...i have to say this:
GORE.8:43 PM
Monday, March 07, 2005
.::The Meaning Of Obscure Phionix::.
for those who really want to know...i know i've explain but that was the full details...
the meaning of obscure...dark, mysterious, cryptic...yes...obscure...we are dark...we are mysterious...and we are cryptic...our meaning is purposely concealed, enshrouded by darkness in which our true intention are not ready to be understood by many...
this combination comprimises of
three words...Phi, Sion and Phoenix...let me explain one by one...this is going to sound like a history lesson...
Phi, pronounced as
fi or
fee, we decided to call it in the pronounciation of
fi...Phi is the number "
1.618033988749..." or short "
Divine Proportion that is in all beings...divide the length of your whole arm (to your fingertips) and the length of your shoulder to your elbow...the result is 1.618...divide the length of your whole leg and the length to your knee...1.618...a miracle?'s the Divine Proportion... my previous post i said about it...the
Priory of Sion, le
Prieure de Sion...the secret society of's Grand Masters include
Leonardo da Vinci,
Botticelli and
Sir Isaac Newton...they protect the
Sacred about's interesting...i'll just kill the suspense if i tell you now... represents life...and even though the phoenix dies, it's rekindles itself and be born again...we as a band has gone through some things that could kill us...but we rekindled the flame...we survived...we turned to a new chapter in our life...chapter two...
so thus becomes
Phi, Si
on, Phoen
ix...(take the bold letters in the three words)...
GORE.12:12 PM
Friday, March 04, 2005
.::Prieure de Sion::.
i've been reading Dan Brown's
THE DA VINCI CODE...damn that book is addictive...believe me...i can't get my eyes of's just what i look for in a book...mystery, history (hey, although i don't take history i love it), that role-playing essence and famous this case people like leonardo da in this case...i have a feeling that the name
Obscure Phionix has more than one meaning...and i'm thinking of changing my self given name of
La Familia Psychodelica to
Le Famille Psychodelique...french, the essence in The Da Vinci i'm interested in researching the Prieure de Sion...the Priory of Sion...arrghhhh! time for me to read the book! got to go!
GORE.10:57 PM
Thursday, March 03, 2005
.::La Familia Psychodelica::.
this might sound stupid...
La Familia Psychodelica, as i like to call them, the social circle of it1a (you people might know who we are)...the closest of friends...i regret that i was not part of this circle last i see the fun i could have had all this while...regret is the biggest thing i feel hell with all the who try to destroy MY hell with all the fuckers with BIG hell with trust...there are only a few i cousins, Obscure Phionix, Amethyst, La Familia Psychodelica, the members of Click, my TRUE friends and "c"...that's more more...this intensity of frustration and rage is going to a higher level...KILL ALL!! DIE!! DIE!! DIE!!
GORE.8:49 PM