Monday, April 24, 2006
what i write down now might be of big interest. haha. so here goes...
for the past months, since Obscure Phionix have made everlasting friendships with other bands like Mulysa/Shadows Embrace/Dark Resurrection, i've been thinking alot about organising a DIY gig. the only problem, capital. and of course the thought of getting the equipment and a place to rent. these questions were running through my mind: "from whom should i get them?", "where could i get a place which is easily accessible?", "how much will it all cost?", "who should i put up for performance?". well, first two questions i've answered. it's the cost. what i know is that i could make posters/tickets on my own. i have that ability. as you know i've unofficially "made" my own production by the name of AvengedChildXVII Productions, you would see the copyright logo on blogs/wallpaper/images i made for a few friends. haha. as for crew, i have a few friends who i can count on. equipment-wise, i can also count on the crew for that. cash for damages could be put aside if they are going to be any case of damaged equipment.
then this happened. Man messaged me this morning at in between 12.45am to 1.10am. yes, sorry Man i didn't reply to your last message, i fell asleep. haha. well, he talked about organising a gig by ourselves. but this is all just planning alright. forwarded messages to each other about renting places/equipment, bands, etcetera. this morning when i woke up, i constantly thought about his suggestion. cause i'm damned interested in it. and, hell, i would want to see it happen. imagining this isn't going to work. this counts for a great amount of energy and hardwork.
is my passion going to be my future? i don't know. yet, i have dreams on unearthing my own music studio and creating my own production company.
are we going to create our own DIY Street Production Team? possibility is 50%.
and now, i'll shall stop typing.
freakinlyMINE, i love you to pieces.
insanely yours,
dreaming a reality.We've gone to far now,We fell to deep,It's our burden to bleed,We've gone to far now,We fell to deep,It's our burden to bleed...
GORE.9:09 AM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
*Out To The World.
i'm back. recovering from the last gig, Mosh. aches and cramps was the outcome. it was cool. i didn't expect much from the gig, overall it's ok.
i'm looking forward to working at the expo next week. i wonder how i'll fare. ok, over and done with that. i don't want to stress on that so much or i'll get even more nervous.
know what? i'm currently so much in love with freakinlyMINE. haha. it's been that way since 6 months, 10 days. i love her so much.
ok, dudes/dudettes. i'm currently staying to becoming a metalcore/heavy metal/visual kei musician. and i'm trying my best to incorporate these three genres into one. try to think a mixture of Atreyu/Bleeding Through/Trivium/Caliban/Dir en Grey/X-Japan. haha. it'll be a challenge, but i'll try my best.
one more thing. this is my life. i live it the way i want to.
freakinlyMINE, i love you.
insanely yours,
this is my peak.He bends and he breaks,If he gives they will take away.His passion, his pain, his grace,He exhales,A thousand black flowers explode,Into butterflies as they're away,Rip them off, Take them,Burn to coals as they crush him,Leave nothing,That resembles the soul of a man,See him numb,See him crushed,See him numb,See him crushed,Rip them off,Take them,Burn to coals as they crush him,Leave nothing that resembles the soul of a man,Leave him numb,Leave him crushedLeave him numb,Leave him crushed...
GORE.10:25 AM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
*Collecting Dust, MOSH.
yes. it seems that no one is coming to read my blog anymore. well, that sucks. haha. so i'm just going to say...

poster link: Playing-
7 Pound Vein
Obscure Phionix
West Grand Boulevard (not playing due to unforseen circumstances)
Bloody Rejects
No Direction
Summer's Over
4th Avenue
Es War Einmal
Dyna Turmoil
Homicidal Rage
Tickets available at La Vanita at $6 and at door at $8.
ok bye.
Freakinly Mine, i love you. always. forever.
insanely yours,
GORE.2:38 PM