Sunday, January 14, 2007
Damn. I didn't know booking out and in would be a fucking bore. But still, if i did not book out, i'll miss everyone. But still, when it's time to book in, i feel that i'd rather stay in Tekong and not book out at all. Oh well. That's that.
I'm tired. Dead tired.
I miss starting to miss alot of people more than the usual level. freakinlyMINE, Obscure Phionix, scenemates, Ruz, Ifah, Ika, Iqah, etc. Am i feeling ok? I guess not. NS, as Ruz said, is a life destroyer. Because of NS, i don't have as much time for freakinlyMINE as i used to have. Because of NS, Ruz has no one to confide to unless i booked out. Because of NS, i have less time for my family. Because of NS, i have less time for my bands. The irony.
I still wonder. Why some people are jealous of my mom? Is it cause she's pretty? Is it cause she has all the luck in the world? Or is it just cause she's determined to succeed in everything she set out to do? Oh well, i'll never understand. But i tell you what, i'm proud of her. Just because she's my mom. People might start asking if she's re-married. To find out, ask the people - Mama, Uncle Jazz, Umi, my siblings or myself. Thread on other people's life and they'll thread on yours. Watch out or we'll roll all over you.
Once again. Let me end here. Cause once again. I have no idea what to write about anymore. And once again. Thank you for reading. And for you who're out of your mind. Stay insane for my sake...and freakinlyMINE's sake, cause she's insane too. Wait, so's Ruz. Okay, am i insane to state this? Is lunacy the same as insanity? Haha. Hahahahaha. Watch this insane beast crap. Haha.
Ok, stop.
insanely yours plus love,
GORE.10:16 AM
Friday, January 12, 2007
Eagle Company Platoon 4 Section 1. That's my company, my platoon and my section. Today only 8 out of 12 of us in the section was lucky enough to book out today. The other four (Su, Fir, Sath and Henry) will only book out tomorrow at 1000hrs. Why? RT. Remedial Training. What is that? Sit in the bunk the whole day and look at each others faces. Haha. Oh well. Oh, here are the names of my section starting from Bed 1 to Bed 12 - Henry, Kaden, Yan, Sath, Oji, Black, Fir, Andrew, Su, Myself, Olie and Tam.
Ok, so BMT is tough. Getting more tiresome through the days. But enough to cope. Training to be soldiers. "Do not give up," so says Ruz. No, i won't give up. Why? I do not want to be OOT. Out Of Training. In which i will have to retake my 6 months of training with the next batch. NO WAY. Will never happen.
My section used to sleep together in the center of the bunk everynight. With the addition of Arep from Section 3. But now we sleep buddy to buddy. Haha. Most of the malay dudes in our platoon click with each other except for some outcasts. I think. Well. Some people hate some people. But what can we do? We're going to be stuck by each other's side for 6 months. Bear with it. Pass out. And leave for the Units.
Oh, Falcon Company just enlisted today. PES A & B Enhanced Batch. 9 weeks of BMT. What The Mother F***!
Shif says i'm getting hotter. I know i'm getting darker. Darker, yes. Hotter, not a chance. Hehe.
Eh. Those who hold my number. SMS me during my time at camp. Puh-lease. With sugars on top, caramel and icing.
Okay, i'll stop here for today.
freakinlyMINE - I love you. Happy 15th Month. =).
insanely yours + love,
GORE.9:44 PM
Monday, January 01, 2007


Yep, that's me alright. Full-time National Serviceman. Who cares eh? Training's tough. But the lot of us can take it. Met new people. And old ones. Can't say much. Cause i'm freaking tired.
A message to all:
Since i started NS, things haven't been the same. But remember this - i will always be the guidance, the friendship and the chain that keeps everyone together. I'm still here. I'm still smiling. And i still love.
insanely yours,
GORE.11:36 PM