Saturday, June 16, 2007
Yes, you're reading Private Qhai the Combat Medic's blog. Combat Medic...
The Graduation Parade went on smoothly. But it took longer than i expected. And a big FINALLY to no more fuckers. I'm free from most in Section 1 whom i consider SHITS. Fuck you, i hate you. These SHITS have no brains to think for themselves, plus they only think of bloody things to make them happy. Try that in the unit and you'll be dead fuckers.
Ok, so SCRAP Graduation Parade. I turned two decades old as of 15th June, Friday. Went out with the family for bites and shopping. It was Umairah's and Ruz's dad birthday as well. Cool huh? Mom bought me a new belt from Guess. Nyahaha. Wanted to find aviators but the ones i found, were more than $200! Argh!!
Had jamming with Obscure Phionix and Death By Clowns, back to back. My fingers are tired and my throat is red. Thanks to the screaming. Lol. Well, overall i enjoyed myself. But Obscure Phionix has to buck up. We're aiming for the future. Let's take this to the next level guys.
Going to East Coast for a picnic. Yay!
So, things to add to my wishlist. (Take note to all those who haven't got me a gift. LOL).
- Aviator Shades
- Sony Ericsson Cybershot Phone
- Sony Playstation Portable (PSP)
- Sony Playstation 3 (i wish!)
- Laptop > The newer model of Sony VAIO would be nice
- Creative MP4/MP3 (more than 2GB, no less)
- A Hardcase for my Jackson Dinky
Ok stop. Let's end this as you can see i'm obsessed with Sony Products. Hah! =).
insanely yours,
GORE.11:19 AM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Hello all. I must admit that yesterday's performance was not that good. Everyone there knows it as well. Yesterday's night soundman sucks and because of that OPX's morale hit an all time low, in which caused us to cock up. So i don't blame him alone. So. Thanks to all those who came to support yesterday. Namely: Our families; Spyglass Avenue and friends; Izzat of Shattered Skies; Tsue; Didi; Wan of Vulgate Dogma; Sounds Of Saviour; Khai; Khai, Aydil and Ixe of Mulysa; Affey and group; and lots more (sorry if i didn't mention your name cause there were a hell lot of people we know out there).
So. What's up today? The best of all our SSF performances. Added an extra song to the list. Thanks to Spyglass Avenue and friends for being there. Plus Affey's lot. Haha. =). We got the videos for 3rd June's and 10th June's performances. So after i graduate from Tekong, i'll upload it and try to put it up on YouTube or somthing. =). Weeeeee~
Passing out of Tekong soon. Finally. Yay-ness. 'Kay, i'm tired and aching. Let me rest.
insanely yours,
GORE.5:42 PM
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Let's do this in point form. Starting from last Sunday.
Sunday, 2007.06.03.
Went out as early as 9am to catch our scheduled booking at Beats Merchant before our performance at Plaza Singapura. It's was crazy. We all were nervous but were very much prepared. After jamming we went for a bite then off to Plaza Singapura. To my surprise our faces were seen on TV ads all across the mall (and including Tampines Mall, found out from Meow yesterday). We then waited at the "Big White Tent" for our slot to come by plus the people we invited. For the first day, i was glad that very familiar faces were seen. We performed hard. With passion. And we ended the performance in a bang. To all those moshers who were sent out: i'm sorry, i didn't know they'd chase you out. After the performance i changed into my Smart Number 4 uniform and went off to book in.
Monday, 2007.06.04.
Drill Competition. We arrived at the Parade Square second so we'll perform second, after Kestrel. It was nerve wrecking. We only practised for 3 days. No more, no less. And we got third. Again. In the evening was Recruit's Evening. Haha. Moshing. Dancing. Skanking. And a whole lot of sweat. Plus i hi-fived Zarina, hostess for SAF MDC. B-e-a-utiful.
Tuesday, 2007.06.05.
Nothing much.
Wednesday, 2007.06.06.
One of our Sergeants pissed a whole lot of people off. Sadistically, i was smiling all the way cause most of my section was outraged. I love seeing those fuckers pissed off. Haha. YOU FUCKS DON'T DESERVE A SHIT. OH, HOW MUCH I HATE YOU ALL.
Thurday, 2007.06.07.
I did alot of "honourable duties" a.k.a. shit jobs since the whole day was company admin time. I managed to piss off my section again. Haha. Fuckers. Saw Shafiee, Gere, Nizam, Idris from Hong Kah Secondary; Joey of Prince Isobelle and my cousin, Yaqin enlist. Haha. 3 months BMTC for you guys.
Friday, 2007.06.08.
Managed to have lunch with Yaqin. Never seen him for a long time. Glad he's doing okay. And the rest of his family. Got to see him with a SHAVEN HEAD. Nyahaha. Booked out with hell lot of stuff. Finally, a few days left in Tekong.
And today, is Obscure Phionix's performance again. And expecting chaos with a capital "C".
Oh. I'm proud to be part of the REVOLUT'N.

insanely yours,
GORE.1:51 PM