Saturday, July 19, 2008

That's the best time of our lives. For more... here's the link. ( Yep. So...just came back from hanging out with the guys. Long time since i came back damned late. Yeah... Whatever. I'm fucked. So, bad blog post. Yay. Bye.
insanely yours,
Immortalis Zombeast Deathdivine.
GORE.9:34 AM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Just came back home. From a long night. I was thinking of not going. But, i'm glad that i did. The Medical Center had some cohesion today. And i truly enjoyed it. First we were at Singapore Flyer's Popeye, eating some of the biggest pieces of chicken that i've ever had. And the damned mashed potato's gravy was the shiiiiit. Nice man. We got to meet back with Jason and Hafiz, who had already ORDed. The fun didn't stop. We had our meals and went outside to have a group picture. Too bad the girls who some of the medics brought didn't join in. We then proceeded towards Marina Square cause the doctors wanted to have Starbucks. After which we separated ways and the Chaos Medics went for shisha over at Bussorah Street. Fadli treated us to 4 flavours. Banana Mint (LOL), Cherry, Apricot and Watermelon. We sat down on the floor among the carpets that Shakeer's father issued, yeah, it's an inside joke. Medics who were there for shisha were Irfaan and his girl, Shakeer, Kenneth, Hosni and his girl, Razif and his girl, Syafiq, Fadli, Izzat, Jufri, Syed, Talib, Max and myself. We were laughing, talking cock and sharing cover stories. It was great man. We reached there at about 2330hrs and stayed til 0230hrs. Woah. Haha. It was awesome. Kenneth then took Izzat and myself home. Escorted by Jufri and Fadli. Convoy man. Convoy.
Now here i am. Infront of the laptop. Typing away, not sleepy at all. Maybe it's cos of all that shisha? Haha. Who knows? THANKS MEDICS FOR THE NIGHT. TOTALLY AWESOMENESS. A night we shall have to repeat.
insanely yours,
GORE.3:31 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2008
There used to be alot of names for me. (1) Beast, (2) Zombeast, (3) Deathdivine, (4) Obscura. Now let's all take that into consideration. It's now Immortalis Zombeast Deathdivine. A mixture of immortality for the re-rise of Obscure Phionix. Yay. For you fucking information, i'm BULLSHITTING HERE.
Anyway, ever since i put up the picture of Niq, Ruz and myself, already more than 70 people have viewed. And that's a hell lot more than my normal quota. Unless there's a gig post or something. TELL ME WHY? Fucking dudes out there, those two are the few loves of my life. YOU WANT TO FUCKING TOUCH THEM YOU'LL HAVE TO COME THROUGH ME. That goes for my Medical Center dudes too. Haha.
I'm deprived. Yay.
I passing through NS like smoke man. No one even knows when i'm not there or there. That's so fucking awesome. :D. No one will have to search for me, disturb me or whatever fuck maaaannnn. Prepare for awesomeness. But still, i have fucking field camps to fucking cover.
And another thing. Someone said to me, "you're too attached to the scene." That person is right. I'm so attached to the scene that i won't give a fuck of whose texting me while i'm out with the mates. I'll usually text them back at the end of it all. So if it's a Saturday, or a Sunday, or a Gigday, get ready to receive a reply at approximately 1am in the morning. Cause i, DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
insanely yours,
Immortalis Zombeast Deathdivine.
Revival of Obscure Phionix.
"twisted, wretched man from the utmost darks of Hell. that's me."
GORE.8:29 PM
Sunday, July 06, 2008
It's really been a long time you know. Since i met you. It's been bugging me for ages. And it came. I spent time with you again. Great isn't it, wouldn't you agree? Just like the time during my party, i had so much fun when Ruz and Niq are at the same place with me. I just simply can't live without my friends.
And just now, i bumped into a person that i never thought i'd meet again. Shah. Yes, OPX's ex-drummer. I saw him along with Ambivalence. I went to him, shook his hand and gave him a damned brotherly hug. I'll say it again, God knows how much i love him. It's been too long. I almost teared. The truth. I did.
Fuck... Mates are life.
insanely yours,
GORE.9:10 PM
Early in the morning i woke up just to get to the jam studio over at Beats Merchant for a session with beloved Obscure Phionix. 10AM. Crazy passion makes me to crazy things. After which we had lunch at Beach Road. Then went to Far East to visit Inokii. You must think how much we spent on MRT fare. None. Man drove. Hahahaha. Easier to get around.
Among all that, later in the evening met Nysrock for the fireworks show. This year's fireworks are cool. But the amount of fucking mats and minahs there were overwhelming me. So, Nys and i decided to keep our distance. Met a few familiar faces along the way. Last night we got back early. Nys cause he had to help his Alyssa to close shop and i had to pick up my siblings. All in all. Great day.
Anyway, i'm searching for a bassist to play shit like Arch Enemy and The Black Dahlia Murder. Any fucker out there interested?
WARNING: This blog is rated R21. Why? Cause look who's 21. Me, fucktard.
insanely yours,
Obscure Phionix.
GORE.11:39 AM
Thursday, July 03, 2008
I'd still remember the time when my cousins (Father's side) were still young and we'd listen and sing to the Backstreet Boys and/or The Moffatts. And we still remember the words today. But, what happened to all of us were going one-way. To a life filled with music. We cousins have rap, break dance, drums playing, guitar and bass playing, singing, screaming and goring to our list of musical talents.
What i want are bands. Acoustic, hardcore and metal. Dreams come. I told my good friends from Hong Kah Secondary that i'd become a rocker and i did. I played in the scene. I performed for hundreds. And it felt great achieving this.
I'm left with 5 months, give or take, of National Slavery. After which i can concentrate with alot of shit in my life. NS is really holding me down. Giving me continuous field camps at the expense of nothing. No offs. Fuck. I'm gonna fuck off. Fuck off until no one notices i'm there. And even if i'm there, no one fucking cares. So suck my bloody balls National Slavery. I'm going to ORD.
Obscure Phionix is going recording. Let's go. The world will be our fucking stage.
These random thoughts...ARE FUCKING WITH MY HEAD.
insanely yours,
Obscure Phionix.
Immortalis Zombeast Deathdivine.
GORE.10:58 PM